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Almond Eye Surgery


What is Almond Eye Aesthetics?

Canthoplasty, commonly known as almond eye aesthetics, is a surgical procedure performed when the eyelid droops or loosens. This procedure can be done for aesthetic purposes or to improve visual functions.

Who Can Undergo This Surgery?

Almond eye aesthetics are typically preferred to correct eyelid drooping caused by factors such as aging, genetic factors, or weakening of the eyelid muscles. Eyelid drooping can make the eyes appear smaller and more tired. Additionally, eyelid sagging can restrict the visual field and affect vision.

How is the Operation Performed?

Canthoplasty is usually performed under local anesthesia by a plastic surgeon or an ophthalmologist. During the procedure, the surgeon removes excess tissue or skin from the eyelid and makes the necessary adjustments to recreate the natural contour of the eyelid. This allows the eyelid to achieve a younger and livelier appearance.

Recovery Process

Almond eye aesthetics surgery typically requires a short recovery period. Swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort are normal for several days after the procedure, but these symptoms diminish over time. The full recovery process can vary from person to person but typically lasts a few weeks.

Precautions to Take

Almond eye aesthetics surgery is a surgical procedure performed when there is drooping or loosening of the eyelid. This procedure is an effective option for those looking to recreate the natural contour of the eyelid and achieve a younger and livelier appearance. However, it is important to consult with a specialist before undergoing almond eye aesthetics surgery as it may not be suitable for every patient.