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IVM - In Vitro Maturation


What is In Vitro Maturation (IVM)?

IVM is the abbreviation for In Vitro Maturation. It is a method used in women's reproductive health. IVM involves the maturation of eggs in laboratory conditions outside the natural maturation process.

How Does IVM Work?

The IVM procedure typically includes the following steps:

Ovarian Stimulation

Hormone medications are used to induce egg maturation. These medications stimulate the development of multiple eggs, allowing for the retrieval of several eggs.

Egg Aspiration

Matured eggs are retrieved from the follicular fluid using a special needle. This procedure is typically performed under mild sedation.

Egg Culturing

The aspirated eggs are placed in a special culture medium in a laboratory environment to mature. This process attempts to mimic the natural maturation process.


Matured eggs are fertilized with donor sperm in a laboratory setting. Successful fertilization results in the formation of embryos.

Embryo Transfer

Formed embryos are transferred into the uterus. This is performed at the appropriate time and under suitable conditions to increase the chances of pregnancy.

IVM may be an option for situations such as egg donation or low egg reserve. However, the most suitable treatment plan for each patient should be determined by experts.