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Laser Lipolysis


What is Laser Lipolysis?

Certain areas of the human body are more prone to fat accumulation. It is possible to get rid of excess weight and fat with a sufficient and balanced nutrition program and regular exercise. However, eliminating some stubborn fats can be very difficult. Localized slimming methods such as injection lipolysis, laser lipolysis, cold lipolysis, and liposuction can be used to prevent stubborn fats. These slimming methods aim to remove stubborn fats from the body.

How is the Procedure Done?

In recent years, laser lipolysis, which is one of the most effective shaping methods in the body, is applied to areas where fat tissue is dense. Laser light applied directly to the membrane of the fat cell dissolves the cell membrane and allows the fat to be expelled. Laser lipolysis can also be applied to the armpits to help prevent excessive sweating. Laser lipolysis, which reduces fat cells permanently, tightens the skin, and prevents the formation of cellulite. For the application, the area with the highest fat accumulation is marked, and it is anesthetized to reduce the heat effect of the laser light. A cannula with a diameter of 1 mm is inserted into the area where the laser beams will be emitted. Through this cannula, fat cells are expelled from the body.

Who Can Get Laser Lipolysis?

The procedure can be applied to all healthy individuals between the ages of 18-75. It is a suitable treatment method, especially for those with regional fat accumulation such as the waist, hips, abdomen, arms, and cellulite, double chin enlargement, or eye bags. However, pregnant or breastfeeding women, those with medication allergies, infection patients, kidney patients, liver damage patients, cancer patients, those with a history of ischemic attacks, stroke patients, and advanced heart patients should not undergo laser lipolysis.

Which Areas of the Body Can Lipolysis Be Applied To?

The procedure is typically used in problems such as body deformations, cellulite, fat around the eyes, and under-eye bags. The lipolysis method is used in the treatment of deformations that occur after body fats removed through surgical interventions. . Effective in fat accumulations and especially problems caused by cellulite, the method includes body areas where fat accumulation is seen, such as the waist and abdomen, as well as the inner areas of the arms. Since Laser Lipolysis is a method that supports increased collagen production in the skin, it increases the tightness of the skin and makes it look younger.