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What is All-on-4?

All-on-4 is a treatment method where fixed prostheses are applied using dental implants. This method offers an aesthetic and functional solution to individuals who are edentulous or experiencing tooth loss. All-on-4 gets its name from the use of four implants and can typically be applied in a single session.

What are the Advantages of All-on-4?

Aesthetic Appearance

All-on-4 treatment provides an aesthetic appearance highly similar to natural teeth using specially designed prostheses and implants. This aesthetic appearance can boost a person's confidence when smiling or speaking.

Rapid Healing

While traditional dental implants may require a long healing process, All-on-4 treatment generally facilitates faster healing. This allows patients to return to normal activities in a short period.

Stability and Comfort

All-on-4 treatment offers excellent comfort by securely fixing the prosthesis using four strategically placed implants. This enables patients to comfortably carry out their daily life activities.

Natural Function

All-on-4 prostheses have the ability to perform chewing, speaking, and other oral functions like natural teeth. This helps patients experience comfort in their daily lives.

Who is a Candidate for All-on-4?

All-on-4 treatment offers broad applicability for individuals experiencing tooth loss or edentulism. However, since each patient's situation is different, it is important to consult with a dentist to determine if this treatment is suitable.

All-on-4 Treatment and Maintenance

All-on-4 prostheses can have a long lifespan with regular dental care and periodic check-ups. Adhering to the maintenance instructions recommended by your dentist will help ensure the success of the treatment.

All-on-4 treatment offers an aesthetic and functional solution for individuals experiencing tooth loss or edentulism. However, since each patient is unique, it is important to consult with a dentist to determine the appropriate treatment option.