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Plexr Non-Surgical Eyelid Aesthetics


What is Plexr?

Plexr is an Italian technology device that uses the 4th state of matter, plasma. The device converts the air (i.e. ionized gases) in the environment into Plasma Energy with the electrical activity on the skin surface to be treated. This energy vaporizes the problematic outer layer of the skin and initiates the process of new tissue formation. Plexr does not affect hair follicles, capillaries, fat, and nerve tissues outside the problematic area.

Why is Plexr Done?

Eyelids are delicate structures that protect the eyes, making them one of the most sensitive areas of the human body. Over time, these structures, which have thin skin, cannot resist wrinkles and puffiness. Wrinkling and puffiness around the eyes, which have an important place in facial aesthetics, can make a person look tired and unhealthy.

Eyelid aesthetic surgeries have been a preferred method for years to address these issues. This surgery, which enables having wrinkle-free and tight skin around the eyes, can make individuals feel better about themselves.

Although it is a surgery with a high success rate, some patients may prefer to avoid surgery. Plexr, a non-surgical eyelid aesthetic procedure, emerges as a good alternative to eyelid surgeries.

Plexr Procedure

Before the procedure, the area to be treated is cleaned with antiseptic solutions. The cleaned area is then anesthetized by applying an anesthetic cream. After the anesthesia takes effect, the Plexr device is applied to the excess tissues. The procedure lasts for 10-20 minutes after anesthesia. The patient does not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Depending on age and skin condition, 1-4 sessions may be required.

Post-Plexr Care

The tightening around the eyelids and eye area is immediately noticeable after the procedure. It is normal to see crusting in the application area. The crusts fall off spontaneously within 5-10 days. Sunscreen foundation should be used for one week after the application. Mild pain may be felt after the anesthesia effect wears off.

Who Can Get Plexr Application?

Individuals with wrinkles and puffiness around the eyelids and eye area who do not want to undergo surgery for various reasons can have Plexr application.