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What is Orthero-Invisalign?

Orthero-Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment option used as an alternative to traditional braces. It consists of transparent, removable aligners specially designed to straighten and align teeth.

Treatment Process

Orthero-Invisalign treatment aims to align teeth and correct jaw relationships to achieve an aesthetically pleasing smile. treatment, the condition of the patient's teeth is examined in detail using 3D scanners, and custom aligners tailored to the patient's dental structure are prepared.

These transparent aligners comfortably fit the patient's teeth and can be easily worn during daily activities. The aligners are replaced at specific intervals to control tooth movement throughout the treatment process. The duration of treatment can vary depending on the condition of the patient's teeth and the complexity of the treatment but generally ranges from several months to several years.

Advantages of Orthero-Invisalign

Orthero-Invisalign treatment provides an effective option for aligning teeth and jaws while offering flexibility to the patient due to its removable nature. The removable nature of the aligners allows for greater comfort while eating or brushing teeth. Additionally, transparent aligners are not as noticeable as traditional metal braces, making the treatment process more aesthetically pleasing.


Orthero-Invisalign treatment may be a more comfortable option compared to traditional braces and may be preferred for its less visible appearance. However, it is important to consult with a specialist before starting treatment as the most suitable treatment method may vary for each patient.