Gastric Sleeve


What is Gastric Sleeve?

Gastric sleeve is a surgical procedure used in the treatment of obesity. In this method, the stomach volume is reduced to enable the patient to consume less food.

Surgery Process

In gastric sleeve surgery, a large portion of the stomach is removed, leaving behind a small tube-shaped stomach. This results in a quicker feeling of satiety and facilitates weight loss.


- Lower risk of complications compared to other obesity surgeries. Faster recovery and less vitamin deficiency.

- Reduces the stomach volume, increasing satiety, and encouraging less food intake.

- Can aid in the improvement of obesity-related health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea.

- Enhances quality of life and physical activity capacity.

- It is a safer option compared to other obesity surgeries with a fast recovery process and less risk of complications.

Recovery and Aftercare

Patients can typically return to normal activities shortly after surgery. However, regular follow-up visits and lifestyle changes are essential for long-term success and health.

Risks and Precautions

Like any surgical intervention, gastric sleeve surgery carries certain risks. These risks and preoperative considerations should be thoroughly evaluated by expert healthcare professionals.