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Breast Augmentation


What is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery is a commonly preferred procedure in aesthetic surgery. This operation is performed to achieve the desired shape, size, or fullness of a person's breasts.

Why Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation surgery can provide a solution for small breasts present from birth, volume loss due to pregnancy or weight loss, asymmetric breast sizes, or shape deformities in the breasts.

Operation Stages

Breast augmentation surgery generally consists of several basic steps:

Examination and Consultation

Before breast augmentation surgery, the surgeon conducts a detailed consultation with the patient. The patient's breasts are examined, and their desires and expectations are evaluated. This stage is crucial for the success of the operation.

Implant Selection

Implant selection is made based on the patient's body structure, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Choice is made between implants containing silicone and saline solution to achieve a natural appearance.

Surgical Intervention

During the operation, the surgeon places the chosen implant and adjusts the shape of the breast as desired. The surgery generally takes a few hours, and the patient may need to be under general anesthesia.

Recovery Period

After the operation, the surgeon provides specific guidelines to ensure a comfortable recovery process for the patient. Swelling and bruising are normal in the first few weeks, but these symptoms diminish over time, and the breasts achieve the desired appearance.

Postoperative Expectations

Patients notice the increase in the size and aesthetic appearance of their breasts immediately after breast augmentation surgery. The full recovery process may take a few weeks, but the results generally meet the patient's expectations.

Risks and Complications

Breast augmentation surgery has become safer and more effective with technological advancements in the field of aesthetic surgery. Under the guidance of an expert surgeon, patients can usually achieve the desired breast appearance.

Like any surgical intervention, breast augmentation surgery also carries certain risks. It is important to obtain detailed information about these risks and understand the possible outcomes before the operation. Your surgeon will discuss with you the specific risks and complications tailored to your situation.