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Breast Lift (Mastopexy)


What is Breast Lift Surgery?

Breasts sag over time due to gravity, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. Rapid weight gain also negatively affects the breasts. With breast lift surgery, deformed breasts can be lifted while maintaining their volume.

During breast lift surgery, the nipple and breast tissues are moved upwards, and loose and sagging skin is removed. Breast lift surgery provides aesthetic shape and fullness to the breasts, rejuvenating and shaping the chest.

Who is Suitable for Breast Lift Surgery?

• Individuals who are physically healthy and have a stable weight

• Individuals who feel discomfort due to sagging or loss of shape and volume in their breasts

• Individuals with nipples that sag downwards

• Individuals with one breast more saggy than the other

Preoperative Considerations

A medical evaluation will be conducted before the operation. It is important to inform your doctor of all medications you are taking. Alcohol and smoking should be stopped before the operation, and the use of blood thinners such as aspirin should be avoided.

Operation Process

There are different techniques used in breast lift surgery. The technique to be used during the operation is selected according to the individual. The determinants here are:

  • • Breast size and shape
  • • Size and position of your areolas
  • • Degree of breast sagging

The safest and most suitable techniques are used. As a result of this procedure, the erotic zone and breastfeeding function of the breast are preserved.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

In breast lift surgery, the sagging breast and breast tissue are brought to the desired level. The sagging skin on the breast is removed, and the dark-colored area around the nipple is restored to its pre-pregnancy appearance.

Unless desired by a patient, there is no change in breast size, and there is no technical necessity. Additionally, if desired, it is possible to reduce or enlarge the breasts in the same operation.

Recovery Process

After breast lift surgery, bandages and a corset are used in the operation area. . Pain may be felt when the anesthesia wears off. Painkillers should be used regularly.

Numbness, sensitivity in the nipple, itching of the incision, or hardening of the breast tissue may be observed. These side effects typically subside within a few weeks.

All instructions given by the doctor after the surgery should be followed. Wearing corset garments, using painkillers with antibiotics, and performing appropriate exercises are some of these instructions.