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Arm Lift


What is an Arm Lift?

If the upper part of the arm is sagging or appears loose and saggy due to excess skin and fat, an arm lift surgery may be suitable for this issue.

An arm lift surgery is a surgical procedure that:

• Reduces excessive sagging skin

• Smoothes the texture of the upper arm

• Reduces fat deposits in the upper arm area

Who Can Get an Arm Lift Surgery?

• Individuals with sagging in the upper part of the arm

• Individuals with stable body weight and not excessively overweight

• Individuals without any health issues that would hinder arm healing

Precautions Before the Operation

A medical evaluation must be conducted before the operation. You need to inform your doctor about any medications you are taking. Before the operation, smoking and alcohol consumption should be stopped, and the use of blood thinning medications should be avoided.

Operation Process

Arm lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the sagging in the arm, the procedure can take between 1 to 3 hours. If there is a limited amount of sagging skin on the arm or under the armpit, the incision is made only from the armpit. . In most cases, the sagging extends to the elbow. In these cases, the incision made extends from the armpit to the elbow. The excess sagging skin and excess fat under the skin are removed. The incision area is closed with stitches. Support stitches may be placed to prevent stitch loosening due to arm movements. Elastic bandages are placed on the arm after the surgery. The hospitalization period is 1 day.

Recovery Process

Bruising and swelling in the arm after arm lift surgery last for about 15 days. The patient uses creams recommended by the doctor to reduce this swelling and bruising. The elastic bandage applied after the operation should not be removed for at least 4 weeks. The patient can start showering from the third day onwards. Arm movements should be kept to a minimum for 15 days. Sports activities should be avoided for 2 months. Regular dressing should be done for 15 days. Daily massage applied to the arms increases blood circulation and accelerates healing.