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Brow Lift


What is Brow Lift Surgery?

Brow lift surgery is a cosmetic procedure aimed at rejuvenating and lifting drooping or sagging brows to achieve a younger and more vibrant appearance, typically caused by signs of aging or genetic factors. This surgical procedure improves the brow line, enhancing facial features and helping individuals achieve a younger, more refreshed look.

Brow Lift Techniques

Brow lift surgeries can employ various techniques , including endoscopic brow lift, forehead lift, and direct brow lift. Each technique is tailored to the individual's needs and anatomical features.

Pre- and Post-Operative Process

Before brow lift surgery, a detailed consultation is conducted with our expert surgeon. The patient's expectations and medical history are evaluated. The details of the operation, expectations, and the recovery process are explained to the patient.

After brow lift surgery, minimal swelling and bruising are normal. It is important to follow the doctor's recommended instructions for proper healing of the surgical area. The recovery process may vary from individual to individual, but generally, normal daily activities can be resumed within a few weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

• Is the operation painful?
Brow lift surgery is generally performed under local anesthesia or sedation, so discomfort is minimal. There may be mild discomfort for a few days after the operation.

• How long does a brow lift take?
The duration of the operation generally varies depending on the technique and individual needs but typically takes between 1 to 2 hours.

• What should I pay attention to during the recovery process?
During the recovery process, it is important to take prescribed medications regularly, apply cold compresses to control swelling, and limit physical activities as advised by the doctor.