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Facial Fat Transfer


What is Facial Fat Transfer?

Facial fat transfer is a surgical procedure performed for aesthetic and rejuvenation purposes. In this procedure, fat tissue taken from another part of the body is injected into the facial area to add volume and youthfulness. Fat transfer is preferred to correct wrinkles, add volume to the cheeks, and achieve an overall younger and fresher appearance.

How is Facial Fat Transfer Done?

Facial fat transfer typically consists of three stages. In the first stage, fat tissue is harvested from a specific area of the patient's body. Then, the harvested fat tissue undergoes a special process, and in the final stage, this processed fat tissue is injected into the facial area.

Advantages: Some advantages of facial fat transfer include:

  • • Long-lasting results due to the surgical nature of the procedure
  • • Natural and permanent appearance achieved through fat transfer
  • • Correction of wrinkles and volume loss in the face

Disadvantages: However, like any surgical procedure, facial fat transfer also has some disadvantages:

  • Swelling and bruising may occur in the initial period
  • The rate of fat retention may vary from person to person
  • A careful recovery process may be required after the procedure

Recovery Process

Patients generally undergo a short recovery period after facial fat transfer. However, swelling and bruising may occur depending on the surgical intervention. Adhering to the recommendations of a specialist doctor is key to successful recovery.

Who is Suitable for Facial Fat Transfer?

Facial fat transfer is typically suitable for individuals who want to rejuvenate and address volume loss in the facial area. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. It is important to obtain a detailed evaluation from a specialist doctor before undergoing the procedure.