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Excimer Laser


Excimer Laser Treatment

Excimer laser is an effective treatment method used to correct refractive errors in the eyes. This treatment is used to achieve successful results in correcting eye defects such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

Excimer laser treatment is a personalized procedure. Each individual's eye structure is different, so a detailed eye examination is necessary before treatment. An expert eye doctor evaluates the patient to determine the most appropriate treatment options.


How Does Excimer Laser Work?

Excimer laser corrects eye defects by shaping tissues on the cornea, the transparent front layer of the eye, in a thin and delicate manner. This laser technology aims to optimize the focusing ability of light to achieve clear and sharp vision.


Treatment Process

Excimer laser treatment is usually completed in a very short time and allows patients to return to their daily activities immediately. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is generally painless.


Who Is It Suitable For?

Excimer laser treatment is generally suitable for individuals over 18 years of age with stable eye prescription and meeting certain health criteria. However, each patient should consult with an expert eye doctor considering their specific condition.


Advantages and Disadvantages


Advantages of Excimer Laser:

  • • Fast healing process
  • • Reducing or completely eliminating the use of glasses or contact lenses
  • • Painless treatment without incisions


Disadvantages of Excimer Laser:

  • • Night vision problems in some cases
  • • Feeling of dryness after treatment
  • • The full healing process may take several weeks


Post-Excimer Laser Care

Regular check-ups and the use of eye drops recommended by the doctor are important after excimer laser treatment. The patient should observe possible risks and symptoms during the post-treatment period.