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Neck Lift


What is Neck Lift Surgery?

Neck lift surgery is a surgical procedure performed to correct sagging and loose skin that may occur due to aging, weight loss, or genetic factors. This procedure aims to achieve a younger and more contoured appearance by tightening and reshaping the skin and muscles in the neck area.

Operation Process

Neck lift surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia by a plastic surgeon. During the procedure, the surgeon removes excess skin and fat tissue from the neck area and tightens the neck muscles to achieve a more defined jawline and a younger neck profile. The skin is partially stretched and tightened to achieve a more aesthetic and balanced appearance.

Recovery Process

Neck lift surgery usually requires a short recovery period. Swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort are normal for several days after the procedure, but these symptoms diminish over time. The full recovery process can vary from person to person but typically lasts a few weeks. After the procedure, the patient should take careful care of the surgical area and follow the surgeon's recommended instructions.


Neck lift surgery is an effective option for those who want to correct sagging and loose skin in the neck area to achieve a younger and more contoured appearance. Additionally, it can address functional issues caused by sagging skin after weight loss.

Like any surgical procedure, neck lift surgery carries certain risks and may not be suitable for every patient. Therefore, it is important to consult with a plastic surgeon or specialist before deciding on neck lift surgery.