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All-on-6 Treatment for Aesthetic and Functional Smiles

All-on-6 is a prosthetic system supported by dental implants. This treatment provides aesthetic smiles and strong chewing function for patients who are edentulous or experiencing tooth loss. All-on-6 stands out with the use of six implants.

How Does All-on-6 Work?

All-on-6 treatment is performed using six titanium implants in the lower or upper jaw. These implants are integrated directly into the jawbone. Then, a custom prosthesis is fixed to these implants. This prosthesis provides a natural tooth appearance aesthetically while also offering strong chewing function.

Advantages of All-on-6

Aesthetic Appearance

All-on-6 treatment allows you to achieve an aesthetic smile with prostheses made of specially designed porcelain or ceramic materials. These prostheses provide a color and shine similar to natural teeth, resulting in aesthetically satisfying outcomes.

Strong Chewing

Six implants ensure the prosthesis is securely fixed to the jawbone. This allows patients to have strong chewing function, avoid chewing difficulties, and comfortably consume various foods.

Quick Solution

All-on-6 treatment can be completed more quickly compared to other implant systems. The process of implant placement and prosthesis preparation can be completed within a few days depending on the patient's needs.

Long-Lasting Results

With proper care and regular check-ups, All-on-6 treatment can demonstrate durability for many years. Adhering to the care routine recommended by your dentist is important to maintain the long-lasting results of the treatment.

To learn more about All-on-6 treatment or to schedule an appointment, you can contact us. Experience the change in your smile, achieve a healthy and aesthetic smile!