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What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is excessive breast growth in males that can occur at any age. This condition may result from hormonal changes, genetics, obesity, or the use of certain medications. Gynecomastia can cause psychological distress and undermine a person's self-confidence. The development of chest muscles is not defined as gynecomastia.

Who is Suitable for Surgery?

Men who have not been able to correct the condition with alternative medical treatments, healthy individuals without medical conditions that could hinder recovery, individuals with realistic expectations, physically healthy and relatively normal-weight men, men who have completed breast development, men who feel uncomfortable with the perception of having excessively large breasts, and adolescent boys may benefit from surgery. However, if breast development continues in the future, secondary procedures may be necessary.

Preoperative Considerations

A medical evaluation will be conducted before the operation. It is important to inform your doctor of all medications you are taking. Alcohol and smoking should be stopped before the operation, and the use of blood thinners such as aspirin should be avoided.

Operation Process

Gynecomastia surgery is performed in the hospital under local or general anesthesia and takes about 1 hour. Preoperative planning is carried out. . In cases where gynecomastia is primarily a result of excess fatty tissue, liposuction techniques alone may be used. . If there is excess tissue in the breast, the excess tissue gland is removed through an incision made in the lower part of the nipple in a U shape. If there is an increase in fat in the breast, laser liposuction may be added to the treatment. If there is excess fat in the breast and the breast gland is normal, only laser lipolysis is applied. Many patients can be treated with these methods. If the nipple and breast skin are excessively sagging, a breast lift surgery may also be performed.

Recovery Process

After gynecomastia surgery, a person can return to work the same day. . A bandage is applied to the breast area after the surgery. The patient can start taking a shower 3 days later. The patient should wear a corset for 2-3 weeks.