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What is a Facelift?

Facelift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that addresses sagging in the face. It aims to eliminate the aged and tired appearance of the face and provide an aesthetic look.

Facelift surgery is one of the top procedures in terms of success rate and longevity. While other non-surgical facelift procedures may be effective, facelift surgeries are more successful in individuals with significant sagging and wrinkles.

Who Can Get a Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery is a surgical procedure. It should be performed on individuals who have not found a solution in other facial rejuvenation procedures.

Patients, especially between the ages of 40 and 65, with significant sagging and dissatisfaction with their appearance, are suitable candidates for this surgery. This operation can be performed on both women and men.

Preoperative Considerations

The use of tobacco products has negative consequences for such surgical procedures and afterward. Therefore, the use of these tobacco products should be discontinued some time before the operation. Additionally, the use of blood-thinning medications should be stopped before the surgery.

Operation Process and Aftercare

The process begins with preparing the patient for the operation. The operation is performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on the patient's age and weight. The surgeon performs the operation by making an incision, and at the end of the operation where the scars are indistinct, the incisions are closed with special stitches. The anesthesia and surgical time total about 3-4 hours.

Alcohol, tobacco products, and blood-thinning medications should not be used during the healing period. The patient should stay in the hospital for one day after the surgery and rest for one week after discharge. Additionally, doctor's recommendations should be followed, heavy sports should be avoided, makeup should not be applied, cosmetic and chemical products should not be used for a certain period, and hot showers should be avoided during the showering periods.

Recovery Process

After the operation, bruising, swelling, edema, and some temporary scars may occur. Medications recommended by your doctor should be used to heal these. Over time, the swelling and bruising will disappear, and the tissues will heal to become more natural. Towards the final stages of healing, surgical scars and suture scars become natural in proportion to the skin color and fade away.