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French Thread Lift


What is a French Thread Lift?

French Thread Lift is a non-invasive aesthetic treatment used for skin tightening and facial lifting purposes. This technique offers an effective solution for skin sagging, reducing wrinkles, and defining facial contours.

How is it Applied?

French Thread Lift involves the insertion of specially designed threads under the skin through fine needles. These threads provide support to the tissues under the skin, creating a tightening and lifting effect. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia and requires minimal surgery.

Who is it Suitable for?

French Thread Lift is generally suitable for individuals with noticeable skin sagging and wrinkles. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. A detailed evaluation is important before the procedure.


  • • Fast Recovery: French Thread Lift procedure typically offers a fast recovery process due to its minimally invasive nature.
  • • Natural Appearance: Since the threads are hidden beneath the skin, they provide a natural appearance.
  • • Long-lasting Effectiveness: Its effects are long-lasting, supporting the skin to appear more youthful and vibrant over time.

• Fast Recovery: After the French Thread Lift procedure, mild swelling and bruising may be observed. However, these symptoms usually diminish within a few days. The recovery process may vary from person to person.

Areas of Application

  • • Correction of facial sagging
  • • Eyebrow lifting
  • • Tightening of the chin area
  • • Improvement of skin tone in the neck and décolletage area

Treatment prices may vary depending on the amount of material used, the area of application, and from clinic to clinic. However, price information is not provided in this content. Prices are typically determined during consultations.

French Thread Lift is an aesthetic procedure that can yield effective results when performed by expert aesthetic surgeons. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. A detailed evaluation and consultation with an expert are important before the procedure.