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Breast Fat Injection


What is Breast Fat Injection?

Breast Fat Injection is the process of transferring fat taken from the individual's body to the breast.

Every adult woman can undergo Breast Fat Injection. The fat tissue taken from the body and applied to the breast also provides slimming in the body. The process of taking fat from the body means that liposuction is performed on the individual. . Breast Fat Injection is an option for women seeking a relatively small increase in breast size and preferring natural results.

Operation Process

Breast Fat Injection is performed under general or local anesthesia depending on the patient's condition. The patient is discharged on the same day after the procedure. During fat transfer, fat is harvested from the designated areas using the liposuction method. The obtained fat tissue undergoes certain processes. . The processed fat tissue is then injected into the breast. Since the injected separated fat tissue is rich in stem cells, it will also repair damaged tissues in the injected area.

Postoperative Care

The individual can return to daily life after being discharged post-operation. . They can start showering 3 days after the operation. The patient can return to work after resting for about 3-5 days. Heavy exercises and activities should be avoided for 1 month.