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What is Otoplasty: Ear Aesthetics?

Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to correct the shape and position of the ears. This surgery is typically chosen to bring the ears closer to the head or to correct large or asymmetrical ears. Otoplasty is commonly performed on individuals in childhood but is also a suitable option for adults.

Otoplasty Surgery Process

Otoplasty surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia and depending on the patient's overall health, it may require outpatient or a short hospital stay. During the surgical procedure, the surgeon shapes the ear cartilage to give the ears a more aesthetic appearance.

Advantages of Otoplasty Surgery

Postoperative Care and Recovery After Otoplasty

After otoplasty, patients should use bandages and supportive materials as recommended by the specialist surgeon. Although the recovery process varies from person to person, normal activities can typically be resumed within a few weeks.