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PRP Hair Treatment


What is PRP?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is an innovative treatment method used to stimulate natural hair growth in individuals experiencing hair loss issues. This treatment involves injecting enriched plasma obtained from the individual's own blood into the scalp.

How is PRP Hair Treatment Applied?

PRP Hair Treatment begins by taking a small blood sample from the patient. Then, the blood sample is subjected to a centrifuge process to separate the platelets. This enriched plasma is then injected into the scalp. The growth factors contained in platelets revive the hair follicles, supporting hair growth.

Advantages of PRP Hair Treatment

  • • Increased Hair Volume: PRP treatment can provide a noticeable increase in hair volume by enhancing the quality of hair strands.
  • • Natural Appearance: Since plasma obtained from the individual's own blood is used, the treatment results are natural and aesthetic.
  • • Ease of Application: PRP treatment is generally a short procedure that involves minimal discomfort for the patient.

PRP treatment can contribute to increased hair volume by providing necessary nutrients and growth factors to the hair follicles.

The use of plasma obtained from the individual's own blood helps the treatment offer a natural appearance. The hairline and pattern are corrected to match the patient's own hair structure.

PRP treatment is usually a simple procedure performed in a clinic setting. The treatment duration is short, and the patient can return to their daily activities immediately.

Who is Suitable for PRP Hair Treatment?

PRP Hair Treatment is a suitable option for individuals experiencing mild to moderate hair loss and whose hair follicles are still viable. However, it is important to consult with a specialist before starting the treatment.

Following the treatment, it is important to adhere to the care instructions recommended by the specialists. Recommended shampoos and lotions should be used to maintain the health of the scalp and optimize treatment results.

Frequently Asked Questions About PRP Hair Treatment

What is PRP? Platelet Rich Plasma refers to the enriched plasma of platelets obtained from the patient's own blood. This plasma contains growth factors and is used to revive hair follicles.

Is PRP Hair Treatment effective? Yes, PRP treatment can stimulate hair growth by revitalizing hair follicles. However, the effectiveness may vary from person to person, and a series of sessions may be required.

Are there any side effects of the treatment? Generally, PRP treatment is safe and free of side effects. Temporary side effects such as mild swelling or redness at the injection site may occur.