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Lens Replacement Surgery


Lens Replacement Surgery

Eye health is an important factor determining quality of life. Lens replacement surgery is a surgical intervention preferred in cases where visual quality is reduced due to age-related cataracts or other eye problems.

Procedure of the Surgery

Lens replacement surgery involves the removal of the natural lens inside the eye and the placement of an artificial lens. This procedure is commonly used for cataract treatment, but it can also be applied for conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism.

Advantages of the Surgery

Increased Visual Sensitivity: After lens replacement surgery, many patients experience an increase in their ability to see environmental details more clearly.

Natural Color Perception: Artificial lenses have similar properties to natural lenses, positively affecting color perception.

High Compatibility: Artificial lenses are made of materials compatible with eye tissues, providing comfortable use.

Solution for Cataract Problems: Lens replacement surgery can correct vision loss caused by cataracts and improve quality of life.

Recovery Process

During the post-operative period, regular check-ups and the use of eye drops as recommended by your doctor are important. Adhering to the instructions during this process is critical for the successful completion of the surgery.

Risks and Complications

Like any surgical intervention, lens replacement surgery carries certain risks. However, these risks can be minimized through evaluations conducted by expert physicians.